
The Trafficking of Light (June - July 2009) - Traficul de Lumina iunie-iulie 2009

The Trafficking of Light show continues the 2008 project promoted together with the Romanian Cultural Institute in Madrid.
The installation contains a light Light charge stocked in metal barrels.

The light Light is produced in a succession of stages:
1. Deconstruction of the daylight to the spectral colors, with a similar effect to the one of the dispersive prism.
2. Isolation of the interval (depending on it's utility) by excluding the inappropriate / useless constituents of light (the adjustment phenomenon)
3. Canning the spectrum intervals in metal containers

Because of the lightness of the Light it's necessary to nail to the ground the containers in order to prevent their uncontrolled ascension and leak of light.

N.B.: The lightness property is:
a. Inversely proportional with the luminosity degree, so the (hypothetical) absolute light corresponds to the absolute dark.
b. Inversely proportional with the mass of the content.Traficul de Lumina iunie-iulie 2009

Expozitia “Traficul de lumina” continua proiectul din 2008 promovat impreuna cu ICR Madrid si Galeria Anagma Valencia.
Instalatia cuprinde un transport de Lumina Light stocata in butoaie metalice.

Lumina Light este produsa intr-o succesiune de etape:
1. Descompunerea in culorile spectrului - cu rezultat similar separariii prin prisma transparenta - a luminii de zi
2. Izolarea organica (functionala) a unor intervale din spectru - in functie de utilitate – prin excluderea elementelor constitutive inutile/eronate ale luminii (fenomenul/procesul de ajustare)
3. Imbutelierea in recipiente metalice a intervalelor de spectru

Datorita proprietatilor Light ale luminii, este necesara fixarea ferma de sol a rezervoarelor pentru a impiedica ascensiunea necontrolata a acestora.

A se nota ca proprietatea Light este:
a. invers proportionala cu gradul de luminozitate, astfel incat Light-ul absolut (ipotetic) corespunde intunericului absolut
b. invers proportionala cu masa continutului

Traficul de Lumina iunie-iulie 2009

The Trafficking of Light (June - July 2009)

The Trafficking of Light show continues the 2008 project promoted together with the Romanian Cultural Institute in Madrid.

The installation contains a light Light charge stocked in metal barrels.

The light Light is produced in a succession of stages:

1. Deconstruction of the daylight to the spectral colors, with a similar effect to the one of the dispersive prism.

2. Isolation of the interval (depending on it's utility) by excluding the inappropriate / useless constituents of light (the adjustment phenomenon)

3. Canning the spectrum intervals in metal containers

Because of the lightness of the Light it's necessary to nail to the ground the containers in order to prevent their uncontrolled ascension and leak of light.

N.B.: The lightness property is:

a. Inversely proportional with the luminosity degree, so the (hypothetical) absolute light corresponds to the absolute dark.

b. Inversely proportional with the mass of the content.